By the time of Noah life on God’s creation had gotten really bad! So bad in fact that the scriptures declare that God was sorry for creating the earth and all in it.
It would seem that the entire population had decided to forget God, to go their own way, to not know God. They had decided to follow the way of Cain. The choice to walk away from God is a conscious one. The way of earth had become so violent and sinful that God decided to destroy the whole thing. He would with a flood of water drown the whole earth and everything living in it.
A few verses of the 6th chapter of Genesis make some strange statements. They talk about giants and it would seem Angels marrying human women and having children with them that vs. 4 calls the men of renown, maybe (Hercules) and the like. It is always said that legend always contains a little truth. These passages also state that God put a limit on the life span of men to 120 years. Lots of interesting events that are really unknown but alluded to.
There was one man who found grace with God. One man who acknowledged God as God. Noah! All the rest of the race of mankind were so evil that God says that “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart were evil, always.”
God revealed His plan to Noah. He would destroy all living things on the earth because of their evil. This is God’s right, He made everything, He alone can destroy everything. Noah, He would save, but Noah would have to build the vessel that would save him. The dimensions of the ark and the specified materials were explained to Noah. This Ark would save Noah, his family, and a pair of every animal alive, male and female.
A couple of observations. Noah’s age is reviled in the text as 600 years when the flood began. He was then the oldest man alive by 480 years since God had limited the lifespan of man to 120 years. Another thing is that Noah’s family were not mentioned as righteous before God. Could it be that God saved them even though they were not walking with Him for Noah’s sake? I’m sure Noah’s age stood out to all those around him, I’m also sure that drew attention to him and what he was doing. He was building a ship bigger than a football field and over three stories high. all these things I’m sure drew attention to what Noah did. No one else joined him. I think that was the purpose, God wanted Noah to be a spectacle so others would turn to Him, but none did. He is a Gracious God. He is also a faithful judge. So judgement would befall a world full of people and animals.