Day five is God’s Creation of sea creatures and bird type creatures.
According to God all the sea life and all the creatures that have feathers were created at the same time. One creature did not come from another. All at once the seas teamed with life, both Mammal and fish in all the diversity that we see. At the same time the air exploded with life. Birds took flight, and I’m sure those land bound birds scurried to and fro.
It is important to note that God put limits on these creatures too. They were brought forth abundantly after their kind. God would bless them and they were to multiply and fill the seas and earth, but after their own kind. Again, they would not become other types of creatures, they would not mix in their breeding. They would multiply after the form that God had given them. The world we live in is highly ordered, there is nothing left to chance. God has planned it out, He has executed creation, and He has set the laws to govern His creation.
God created with such diversity, such beauty, that we are still making discoveries of “new” creatures. How is that possible after the passage of so much time, so many scientific studies? God is great! He is all powerful! As we look to the stars that God simply put in place, the oceans team with animals that we as mankind have not so much as laid our eyes on. It is said by scientists that we know more about space than we know about our own oceans. How interesting! There have been expeditions to depths in the oceans that previously were thought to not possess life. But in these impossible to live in places, life abounds. This shows how much we really do know. All of the wonder and splendour of the ocean God created for mankind! He did not create it so that we would worship it, put it before God or mankind. He created it for our pleasure, and as a testament to His awesome power and grace. He did not have to create so many varieties of creatures. He did so for mankind, so that we can look at it all and say “God is great!”
God is great! God is all powerful! God set the laws that earth and the universe exist by. He is worthy of praise! God made all of these things, He can do with them what He likes.