God is very specific about the time frame in which all things were created. He specifies the order in which things were made and the the time in which things were made. He is also specific of the fact that He created all things.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The Time Line By Day of Creation
- Day one God Created Time, Earth and Space, Light and Darkness, Night and Day.
- Day two God created the atmosphere of Earth
- Day Three God separated the seas from the dry land, He created the grass, herbs, and fruit trees.
- Day four God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars. He made them to mark time and seasons.
- Day five God created all the sea creatures, mammals, reptilians and fish, and all the birds.
- Day six God created all the land based animals, animals of all classes. And He created man like Himself. God put mankind over all the other created things, to rule over them and dominate them.
- Day Seven God rested from all that He did. He set the seventh day as special because He rested.
We learn from God’s account of the beginning of all things that He is able to do whatever He wants. He is all powerful, there is no end to his power.
Everything exists because God wants it to exist, His will is final and irrefutable.
Everything that God Created is Good, was perfect and without flaw.
God Created mankind with special attention, with special purpose, and completely different from all the rest of creation.