Star of the Show

God devoted an entire chapter of the book of Genesis to describing how He created the universe, in what order, and in how much time He created it.

He spent the very next chapter of Genesis talking about His star creation. Man! The creation of man was mentioned in chapter one, but only in passing just as everything else was mentioned. Chapter two goes into more detail about the creation of man. Detail about the surroundings in which God put man. God does this because man is the star of the show as far as creation is concerned. God describes special things that He did for man, and how He created woman to be his companion.

God had gone to the trouble of making a special place for the new couple to live. They had in this place everything they needed for a great life. There was no hard work to be done. The only job that God had given to Adam at this point was to rule over all of creation and to care for the garden.

Why had God made mankind? Why did He give them everything they needed? His desire was and is to commune with man, to fellowship with him. He want’s to talk with us, walk with us, be the main part of our lives. He want’s to be worshiped by us, to be held in His proper place, at the centre of our lives. He wants to be our big picture.

We complain today that we have no time. That was not God’s intention. He created us to spend time with Him. To enjoy Him, to talk with Him, to need Him. We get caught up in the whirl wind of our lives today where it is easy to forget that God wants our attention. Are the things we are doing evil if they pull us away from God? No, not necessarily, they are often good things. We work to eat, buy a house, clothe out bodies, ensure a good life for our children. The bad part of all of this is that we forget God, our mind’s eye is on paying the bills and we lose sight of what we were created for… to worship our creator God.

Don’t forget we are the star of creation. Jesus taught us that if we seek after God with our whole heart, He will provide the things we need. Could it be that we see the bills so large in our lives because we have our focus on them instead of the God of our lives? He want’s our attention, He asks for our attention. Lets give Him our attention and see what He does.

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