I have heard many time from many people about the unfairness of God. Usually they are angry with God because something has happened to upset their normal daily lives. Perhaps someone close has died, or perhaps a job has been lost. As a result the question is, why is God doing this to me?
I have to agree. God is completely unfair in his dealing with mankind!
I think we can all agree that there is purpose for everything, and everyone. For Example, a refrigerator. We purchase a refrigerator to keep our food fresh for longer and our drinks cold for more enjoyment. That is the purpose of the refrigerator.
We purchase a refrigerator and load it up with food stuff and drink. We expect that the food and drink will be kept cold or frozen while inside the box.
As long as the stuff stays cold or frozen inside the refrigerator it is fulfilling it’s purpose, and is deemed useful.
What about some day in the future when we open the door of that refrigerator, and we are met with a mildly unpleasant odor, reaching into the refrigerator we find it warm instead of cold. Not happy we open the Freezer part of the refrigerator to find it’s contents thawed and spoiling.
That refrigerator is no longer fulfilling it’s purpose! It is now worthless, and we need a new one.
Our Purpose
God also created us for a purpose. He created us to devote ourselves to Him, to worship Him and to look to Him for all our needs.
Rom 1:21 states that man though knowing God have decided not to acknowledge Him as God.
So we when we are not living acknowledging that all things come from God and not giving thanks to Him for all things, we have failed in our created purpose.
So, if we know what fairness is, and when something in our lives does not fulfill it’s purpose, in fairness we discard that thing. If God were fair by our standards, we would all be discarded. We fail him in every aspect of our lives. This failure is called Sin. The book of Romans once again addresses this in Rom 3:23, stating that we, all of us have sinned against God. We have all failed Him.
Since we have all failed Him, by our standards we should be cast away, replaced! Being God who created the world and all in it, if God had our mindset, when Adam sinned against God, He would have destroyed it all and started again. Thus we would not be!
The Unfairness of God
So we are all failures and we deserve to be cast away!
But God being totally unfair as decided to buy us back, to make a way that we can be redeemable. That we can be useful once again, once and for all!
Rom 3:24-26 Go on to tell us that Jesus was given by God to make us acceptable again. He has sent Jesus to Justify us before God, making us useful and with purpose again.
That is the unfairness of God. He is willing to overlook all our faults, all our sins. Faith in Jesus covers up our faults before God. Gives us purpose again.
The unfairness of God justifies us without us having to give anything. We have nothing to give that could justify us.
So yes God is a totally unfair God who created us to look to him for all things. We have all failed God in all things. But He unfairly made us justified once again.
God has unfairly made us look completely sinless as far as He can see. That is unfair!