Evolution Vs. The Bible

We are being taught today that the universe and all that is in it happened by accident, and, that from that accident all life as we know it evolved. Those who hold to evolution also claim the Bible to be a fairy tale, a superstition advanced by a select group to deceive an manipulate the general population. We are being taught that science proves that evolution has occurred and therefore there is no God.

Is this all true?

Scientific Method

In order to understand what is going on in the world or universe around us there needs to be a method to gain that knowledge. With no method we can draw any kind of conclusion based on any reason which doesn’t have to be based in fact.

Wikipedia defines the scientific method this way. “The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.[2] To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry is commonly based on empirical or measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.” click here for the full article.

Let’s make a simple definition for our purposes here. Science is a study of the world around us based on observable, measure-able evidence.


For the purpose of this discussion I am more interested in the Evolutionary history of life, because this is where the scientific community most takes aim at the christian church.

Evolutionary History is defined in  Wikipedia as: “The evolutionary history of life on Earth traces the processes by which living and fossil organisms have evolved since life appeared on the planet, until the present day.” Complete article here.

For evolution to occur many years are required, and many accidents that cause change(evolution) to take place. The latest idea out there it seems is that several billion years ago stars exploded expelling stardust across the universe in which itself contained the basic elements for life. These elements then over billions of years established life in the universe as we know it, and possibly in other places unknown to us.

There are problems with any of this from the prospective of scientific method. First of all none of this is observable. There is also no way to measure either the explosion of the star or stars that “exploded” or the time needed for life to establish itself, or the accident needed to make the environment necessary to generate, then incubate life into existence. One quick thought on heat and life, don’t we use heat to destroy living organisms (sterilization)? Arn’t starts, by their very nature, Heat? In fact much greater heat that we would use for sterilization. We must then simply accept that this great accident actually happened. We must accept that out of the heat of a furnace protazoa emerged. We must accept that inspite of what we know of the destruction that occurs in an explosion, for the purpose of evolution, life emerged. Where did the stars that exploded come from? Did they evolve? According to evolutionists we must have “faith” in the scientific establishment, simply because they are smarter than us.

Radiometric dating is relied on for the establishment of the age of the earth and everything in it when it comes to evolution. The interesting thing with these methods is the sheer number of assumptions made in the theories used for these methods. The assumptions and exceptions by far out weigh the known facts when considering radiometric dating. After all we have at best a few thousand years of verifiable, datable, objects to test. Even when testing these verifiable objects multiple tests must be run to achieve the correct outcome. Who determines the correct outcome? There are papers on top of papers written concerning the fragility of these tests, and the ease of which the accuracy of these tests can be affected. So if we know the accuracy of a test done on an object of which we have a good idea of the age can be off, how can we be sure of the accuracy of a test done on an object that is unknown in origin? One must assume at that point that the tester must assume the basic age of an object then test to get the correct results. Bad science! Un measure-able. Un verifiable.

The fact of the matter is, you have to have great FAITH in the theory of evolution. Faith is the basis of religion. And so, I put to you that evolution is as much a faith based religion as any other faith based religion out there. It just so happens that many, not all, but many scientists are of the Evolutionist faith!

Defense of Evolution

In the history of mankind, religion has been used to force compliance of peoples all over this world. Most times the motive to force compliance of peoples is power/wealth. The religion of evolution is no different. The power struggle today is very evident. The pressures on our society are very evident. We are seeing evolution being taught in our schools as fact, not theory. In fact it’s interesting that Evolution is still described in articles as “The Theory of Evolution” but presented as if it is established as absolute truth. Dangerous!

Ridicule is heaped on any who dare express any other idea. Or even challenge simply the time evolution requires. Yet evolutionist wax eloquent on the idea of tolerance. Try to offer a differing view to any of them, and observe the “tolerance.” This is the same tactic used by many religions to force the community into compliance.


We have allowed this religion of Evolutionism to take our society, but there will be no taking it back. It’s up to you to decide for yourself if the religion of Evolution is for you, or not.

You must engage your mind. In the end you are responsible for your beliefs. Blind faith in anyone, or anything is a crap shoot at best. Information, knowledge is there for you to discover, don’t let others define you as a person. Don’t allow yourself to be carried away in a lie.

Your beliefs define you as a person!

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